Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Rupert Everett Facelift

Good grief! What in the world happened to the charming English actor Rupert Everett, star of such movies as, My Best Friend's Wedding and The Next Best Thing.

Well clearly he's had a significant amount of plastic surgery done to his face.

It appears to be a full blown facelift, mainly focusing on the brow, eyes, and cheeks, perhaps topped off with a little botox in the forehead area.

From the looks of this before and after picture, do you think Rupert Everett went too far in his efforts to restore a youthful appearance?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Melanie Griffith Lips

Another day, another desperate attempt at regaining lost youth by a famous celebrity starlet.

On today's menu is Melanie Griffith, the golden globe winning actress who has starred in countless blockbuster movie hits such as, Working Girl and Another Day in Paradise.

Melanie Griffith has underwent several plastic surgery operations in recent years, and we will surely be covering all of them in due time, however today we are taking a close look at her unusually large plump lips.

Melanie went from having cute natural lips, to the dreaded trout pout collagen nightmare, which is all too common these days.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Adriana Lima Lips

Checkout this before and after picture of the stunningly beautiful Brazilian born model and Victoria's Secret Angel, Adriana Lima.

What do you think? Has Adriana received lip injections?

Her lips sure do look extra plump in this after picture.

I never noticed...

Voice in my head = "Don't even look over there.You've seen her, she didn't notice and that was a close one. Act like you never even knew she existed, like you don't  even care cause girls like bad asses and she might even develop a crush on me if I act like I dont give a fuck yea that'll work..."

As her eyes thoughtlessly gaze around in hopes of being noticed it suddenly dawns on me that there's nothing more she would rather have than lustful surface attention to replace that constant lonely feeling.  At the exact moment that she notices you noticing her, her eyes have rolled, her ego has been boosted, and you've just been written off as the typical air humping male. The tables would be turned if you could of simply ignored her ever so constant scantily clad outfits every morning on the subway.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ivana Trump Big Puffy Lips

Ivana Trump is a former Olympic athlete and fashion model, but perhaps best known for her marriage to billionaire business mogul, Donald J. Trump.

I guess its true, money doesn't always equal happiness, and that appears to reign true for Ivana Trump, with a failed attempt at restoring her youth from the help of plastic surgery, in the form of what looks like, lip injections.

Those big puffy lips may look kinda silly, but i bet she can whistle like a champion.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Elizabeth Hurley Lip Injections

Has the beautiful English actress/model Elizabeth Hurley been doing what i think she has?

That upper lip sure is looking awfully pouty.

I think you know where I'm going with this, and yes, it looks quite apparent that Elizabeth has indeed put her beauty in the hands of a trained plastic surgeon, for a session or two of collagen lip injections.

There has been no official word, but the before and after pictures never lie. Or do they?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Jennifer Aniston Lip Injections

Has everyone's favorite friend, Jennifer Aniston, been dabbling in some unnecessary lip augmentation?

I wish the answer was no, however from the looks of this before and after picture, lip injections seem to be on the menu for the beautiful celebrity actress.

At least she hasn't went overboard and totally transformed herself, like we see so often. Stay tuned, folks.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Gwen Stefani Breast Implants

Gwen Stefani before and after breast implants plastic surgery?

Gwen Stefani
is the lovely fashion conscious, energetic lead singer of the hugely successful ska/rock band, No Doubt.

Has anyone else noticed a change in Gwen's appearance, lately?

There is no doubt, there is differently some extra cushion in the breast area of ms Stefani, but the question remains, what type.

Is Gwen Stefani sporting an extremely padded bra or did she get a boob job?

Judging from these before and after pictures, what do you folks think? Plastic surgery or perhaps a water bra?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Paul Stanley Nose Job

Legendary rock star Paul Stanley was always viewed as the good looking member of the rock group KISS, but as time went by, things began to change, drastically.

Did Paul Stanley go under the knife, and end up with a bad botched nose job?

You be the judge, plastic surgery or not?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Tabitha Stevens Plastic Procedures

Long time adult film star and radio personality, Tabitha Stevens has had quite a few things injected into her, and has been very open about her nasty little plastic surgery habits, calling herself a "plastic surgery junkie".

Tabitha Stevens has admitted to the following procedures, 6 breast implant surgeries, 3 nose jobs, 2 cheek implant operations, chin implant, botox, lip injections and the dreaded "back end bleaching".

Whats next on the menu? A new head?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Billy Bob Thornton Facelift

Here we have, everybody's favorite old man in Hollywood, actor Billy Bob Thornton.

Billy Bob has looked twice his age, ever since he broke onto the scene and now suddenly at age 54, he looks better than ever.

Could this be a result of plastic surgery?

Well, aside from the obvious hair plugs, i would guess he has underwent a minor facelift, most noticeable around his eyes, which seem a bit tightly stretched.

Perhaps he got some advice from his former wife, Angelina Jolie, who knows a thing or two about plastic surgery.