Wednesday, April 20, 2011

College friend reveals Kate and William's early romance

A close college friend of Prince William, Julian Knight was there when Kate Middleton walked down the catwalk in "that" see-through dress and was one of a select few who knew about the couple's relationship before it was public knowledge.
Knight lived down the street from Prince William in their second year studying at the University of St Andrews, in the small Scottish town, and saw first-hand Kate and William's early years as a couple.
"They were always spending time together, going down to Anstruther to go banana boating or playing golf or going for a walk," says Knight.
Because of a media blackout in place, Knight says life in St Andrews allowed them to get to know each other as friends first "without prying eyes."
Although Knight and William grew apart after university, Knight reveals the student life William led and how it laid the foundations for a wedding the world will be watching on April 29.

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