Monday, April 25, 2011

Jerry Springer : Jerry Springer talks about Donald Trump

JERRY Springer has discussed  his fellow TV star Donald Trump, who in the course of a few weeks has become the Republican front-runner to oust President Barack Obama.
“Remember when you were a little kid and a wise guy at the back of the class would shout things out?” Jerry said. “That’s Trump. He makes you laugh and giggle.
“Right now, Trump is enjoyable.
“Sarah Palin is no longer the flavor of the month, so Trump is.
“I don’t think any of these people are going to beat Obama.
“Republicans have overreached. Do we really want a country without Medicare?
“Obama’s heart is in the right place.
“He can’t get everything he wants with Republicans controlling Congress fighting him,
We have a class war going on at the moment. The powerful are stacking the deck in favor of the rich, which is why the gap is getting wider between the rich and poor.”

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