Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Zsa Zsa Gabor: Baby for the Ailing 94 year old actress Zsa Zsa Gabor?

ZSA Zsa Gabor’s husband wants them to have a baby

Although the 94-year-old screen legend has suffered from a string of health problems in recent months — including having part of her right leg amputated when gangrene set in — her spouse Prince Frederic von Anhalt, 67, visited a Beverly Hills fertility clinic last week to fulfill her “dream” of them having a child.
Frederic — who made a sperm donation — plans to use his DNA and the egg and womb of a surrogate mother but says the baby will be his and Zsa Zsa’s and he can’t wait to break the news to her.
“It was always my wife’s dream for us to have a child … and even though we won’t be using any of her eggs, she would be thrilled to know I’m going through with this,” he said.
“I am so excited!! I hope Zsa Zsa is going to hang around for awhile. I want her to see and hold the baby’s hand. She will be a mother again at 95!! It was her wish to have a boy.”
Zsa Zsa’s only child Francesca — whose father is the actress’ ex-husband, hotelier Conrad Hilton — has previously accused Frederic of creating a “circus atmosphere” around her mother.
A spokesperson for Francesca said, “Francesca is not pleased with the situation and the care of her mother and what has been happening to her while at home. It is not certain what kind of care and security she is receiving.”

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