Wednesday, May 18, 2011

47 Percent Pamper In Oral Sex Regularly

When asked whether you've ever had sex with two or more different people within the same day:

Of the 2,089 readers who voted,
61 percent affirmed that they never have.
25 percent affirmed that they haven't, but wished they could.
8 percent affirmed that they have on occasion and enjoyed the experience.
4 percent affirmed that they have, but only once.

When asked whether you've ever indulged in sex with two or more partners together:

Of the 738 readers who voted,
69 percent affirmed that they never have.
23 percent affirmed that they haven't, but wished they could.
5 percent affirmed that they have, on more than one occasion.
Less than 1 percent affirmed that they have only once and it's an experience they regret.
Less than 1 percent affirmed that they don't remember, because if it's happened then they were very drunk at the time.

When asked for your take on oral sex:

Of the 1,899 readers who voted,
47 percent affirmed that they indulge in it regularly.
32 percent affirmed that they indulge in it occasionally, just to spice things up.
5 percent affirmed that they indulge in it occasionally but have no liking for it they do it because their partners enjoy it.
14 percent affirmed that they never indulge in oral sex as they find it disgusting.

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